Magic Our Way - Artistic Buffs Talkin' Disney Stuff

On this episode, we once again flex our creative muscles and do some armchair imagineering on our own with a new segment we call, Classic? Or TRASH IT!

The way this segment works is as follows. We decided on a park to work this case, we chose the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World. Then, we each chose a land to work on so that we did not all work on the same thing. Within each land, we chose an attraction to reimagine.

Once you have heard our proposals, you get to vote on each one of our projects. You can either keep the Classic, or vote to TRASH IT and replace it with our new vision. Watch for a poll to pop up the same day we release this show. We will feature the results of our poll on an upcoming episode.

What did you think about our discussion? What did you think about our ideas? Did you agree or disagree with what we said on this show?  Any comments? Share them at Your opinions are always welcome on our show.

Direct download: MOW_184_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 9:58am CST