Magic Our Way - Artistic Buffs Talkin' Disney Stuff

We get a little academic as we try to answer the question, “has Walt Disney World’s 50th-anniversary celebration fallen flat as of late?” For this episode, we make our decision based on this criterion: a comparison of what was announced and what was delivered for the 50th. What is your response to our question? Let us know at Every opinion is welcome on this show.

Direct download: MOW_409_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 10:00pm CST

We present another Magical A-Musings episode. For this show, we discuss our three “Must-Dos” at the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World. We consider eateries, attractions, shopping, etc…pretty much anything that can be done in the parks. What are some of your Must-Dos at the Magic Kingdom? Let us know at Every opinion is welcome on this show.


Direct download: MOW_408_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 10:00pm CST

For this episode, we discuss what our favorite drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, are at the U.S. Disney Parks. We finally have them all documented on one show. What are some of your favorite beverages at Disney parks? Let us know at Every opinion is welcome on this show.

Direct download: MOW_407_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 10:00pm CST