Magic Our Way - Artistic Buffs Talkin' Disney Stuff

Jim Hill: Tim Burton and Disney - MOW #176

On this episode, we welcome special guest, Jim Hill, to the show. On this episode we discuss Tim Burton’s relationship with Disney and why we have yet to see an attraction based upon a Tim Burton idea.

What did you think about our discussion? Did you agree or disagree with what we said on this show?  Any comments? Share them at Your opinions are always welcome on our show.

Direct download: MOW_176_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 5:00am CDT

D23 Expo 2017: Our YUGE Discussion; the BEST ever! - MOW #175

On this episode, we discuss everything that was released in the Parks and Resorts Presentation of the 2017 D23 Expo. If you are a Disney fan, there is no doubt that you have seen the announcements that have been flying all throughout social media.

What did you think about our discussion? Did you agree or disagree with what we said on this show?  Do you have any strong feelings regarding any of the D23 annoucements? Any comments? Share them at Your opinions are always welcome on our show.

Direct download: MOW_175_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 6:21am CDT

Jambeaux, everyone!!! Harambe! On this episode, we present our next Listener’s Choice show. The topic for this show was chosen by the MOWican Nation via popular vote. Today, we are talking about Shopping in Walt Disney World provided by Leisa Mundy, aka Dr. MOWhocan.

What shops do you like to frequent in Walt Disney World? What did you think about our discussion? Any comments? Share them at


Direct download: MOW_174_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 5:00am CDT

Jambeaux, everyone!!! Harambe! Today, we present a Queue show that has the potential of providing us with much feedback. Just to remind you, all opinions are welcome on the Magic Our Way podcast. So, get in touch with us today!

On this episode, we talk about the Redhead and the rest of that scene from The Pirates of the Caribbean attraction. Also, on this episode, we talk about President Trump’s confirmed speaking role in The Hall of Presidents.

What did you think about our discussion? Did you agree or disagree with what we said on this show?  Do you have any strong feelings regarding the Redhead or President Trump? Is their a side to this story we missed? Any comments? Share them at Your opinions are always welcome on our show.

Direct download: MOW_173_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 6:16am CDT