Magic Our Way - Artistic Buffs Talkin' Disney Stuff

Jambeaux, everyone!!! Welcome to another episode of the Magic Our Way podcast. We appreciate you listening to our show and we hope it brings a smile to your face. Factoid of the day: the 3 o’clock parade begins its journey at.wait for it…3 O’CLOCK PM!!!

We bring you yet another traditional MOW show this week. 

In the Queue. we cover the following news stories:

MOW Twitter-verse

Incredibles 2 and Cars 3

Another 24 hour day

Festival of Fantasy Parade

Gill might have set some fish free

A unique pirate experience in Shanghai Disneyland

and much, much more!

We both grew up with Epcot Center and we really like that park. However, we feel that over the years, the park has lost its identity as it got older. We go ahead and do some backseat imagineering for our Hub this week. We come up with ways that we think would help Epcot get back to its true self, a little theme park self-help if you will. We also discuss what two of our viewers mentioned to us regarding their thoughts on improving the park. Do you have any thoughts regarding this? If so, be sure to send us an email and we will read it on the air. It doesn’t matter how positive or negative you are about it, we will always give every Disney fan a voice. 

As always, if you like the show, please rate us and leave a review in the iTunes Store. We do appreciate you taking the time to do so. Also, you can find us on Facebook ( and follow us on Twitter (@magicourway). With Facebook and Twitter you will be able to find out when we are recording our show and ask us a question while we are recording. You may just hear a shout out for you and your question being answered on that week's show. Find some of our video statuses on and keep an eye out for our YouTube channel. If you have any suggestions or comments for the show, please do not hesitate to contact us at We will be sure to read your email on the air, unless you tell us not to. We do want to hear from our fans and we want you to be part of our discussion. Also, check out our slowly growing website at and our soon to be website on Also, you can now find us on Stitcher, Blackberry, Blubrry, and Double Twist for your listening convenience. 


Thanks again for listening to us. We do realize that you have many choices when it comes to Disney podcasts and we appreciate your attention. The Magic Our Way Podcast always allows the Tiki Room birds to make us disappear.

Direct download: MOW_036.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 6:13pm CST

Jambeaux, everyone!!! Welcome to another episode of the Magic Our Way podcast. We appreciate you listening to our show and we hope it brings a smile to your face. Factoid of the day: Walt Disney himself is not cryogenically frozen.

We bring you another traditional MOW show this week. 

In the Queue. we cover the following news stories:

Disney video games

Frozen and the Academy Awards

Disney Animation versus Pixar

Festival of Fantasy Parade launch

and much, much more!

In the Hub, we introduce our first compare and contrast show. During Mardi Gras week of 2014, Kevin had the opportunity to take a 5 day cruise on the Carnival Triumph. This was his first experience on a Carnival “funship” and this was his second experience on a cruise ever. The first time he was on a cruise ship was during his honeymoon with the Disney Cruise Line aboard this Disney Wonder (and there were only two Disney ships back then, boys and girls, the other being the Magic). And, it just so happens that the Disney Wonder was in port in Cozumel at the same time the Carnival Triumph was in Cozumel. Kevin compares his two experiences: the Disney Wonder back in 2007 and the Carnival Triumph in 2014. He had wonderful times with both companies. He is not endorsed by Disney or Carnival. This is just a friendly comparison between a veteran cruise ship company (Carnival Cruise Lines est. 1972) and the relatively new kid on the block (Disney Cruise Line est. 1994). If you remember, back before the Disney Cruise Line came into existence, Disney characters could be found on Premier Cruise Line’s Big Red Boat.

As always, if you like the show, please rate us and leave a review in the iTunes Store. We do appreciate you taking the time to do so. Also, you can find us on Facebook ( and follow us on Twitter (@magicourway). With Facebook and Twitter you will be able to find out when we are recording our show and ask us a question while we are recording. You may just hear a shout out for you and your question being answered on that week's show. Find some of our video statuses on and keep an eye out for our YouTube channel. If you have any suggestions or comments for the show, please do not hesitate to contact us at We will be sure to read your email on the air, unless you tell us not to. We do want to hear from our fans and we want you to be part of our discussion. Also, check out our slowly growing website at and our soon to be website on Also, you can now find us on Stitcher, Blackberry, Blubrry, and Double Twist for your listening convenience. 


Thanks again for listening to us. We do realize that you have many choices when it comes to Disney podcasts and we appreciate your attention. The Magic Our Way Podcast always gobbles for a free turkey leg at Toluca Turkey Leg on Sunset Blvd. in the Hollywood Studios theme park.

Direct download: MOW_035.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 10:31pm CST

Jambeaux, everyone!!! Welcome to another episode of the Magic Our Way podcast. We appreciate you listening to our show and we hope it brings a smile to your face. Factoid of the day: the Magic Kingdom that is accessible to the public is actually on the second floor! Ooooo! Ahhhh!

We bring you another traditional MOW show this week. 

In the Queue. we cover the following news stories:

  • Disney Movies Anywhere app
  • Kevin likes the Animal Kingdom and the Dinosaur attraction
  • WDW ticket prices go up
  • Another Jon Negroni article: Andy’s mom

and much, much more!

In the Hub, we discuss a question that was discussed during our podcast trip back in January. We asked each other, what job in Walt Disney world would you most want and what would you least want? We are not talking Imagineer or anything like that; we are talking about jobs that require the least amount of training. We also talk about the Casey’s Corner redux and the reorganization of the actual Magic Kingdom Hub. 

As always, if you like the show, please rate us and leave a review in the iTunes Store. We do appreciate you taking the time to do so. Also, you can find us on Facebook ( and follow us on Twitter (@magicourway). With Facebook and Twitter you will be able to find out when we are recording our show and ask us a question while we are recording. You may just hear a shout out for you and your question being answered on that week's show. Find some of our video statuses on and keep an eye out for our YouTube channel. If you have any suggestions or comments for the show, please do not hesitate to contact us at We will be sure to read your email on the air, unless you tell us not to. We do want to hear from our fans and we want you to be part of our discussion. Also, check out our slowly growing website at and our soon to be website on Also, you can now find us on Stitcher, Blackberry, Blubrry, and Double Twist for your listening convenience. 


Thanks again for listening to us. We do realize that you have many choices when it comes to Disney podcasts and we appreciate your attention. The Magic Our Way Podcast always remains seated so the beetles, maggots, and cockroaches can leave safely.  

Direct download: MOW_034.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 5:09pm CST