Magic Our Way - Artistic Buffs Talkin' Disney Stuff

In this episode, Danny discusses the evolution of Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party. We explore the changes that were made from the days when it only took place on Halloween Day to the multi-day event that we have now. This is the Magic Our Way 2020 Halloween Show! 

Have you ever been? What are some of your favorite memories of this party? Let us know at Your opinions are always welcome in our show. Seriously, every opinion is welcome. 

Direct download: MOW_345_MASTER.mp3
Category:Disney -- posted at: 10:00pm CST

In this episode, Lee continues his series on hidden park gems and asks the question, “did you know-tice these things in Disney’s Animal Kingdom?” 

How many of these did you know? What are some of your favorite hidden gems? Let us know at Your opinions are always welcome in our show. Seriously, every opinion is welcome. 

Direct download: MOW_344_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 9:57pm CST

In this episode, we exercise our creative muscles and come up with ideas for a character meal. The themes chosen were Emperor’s New Groove, Onward, Lion King, and Timmy Failure.

At which one of these would you reserve a table? What did you think about our creations? Let us know at Your opinions are always welcome in our show. Seriously, every opinion is welcome. 

Give us a listen, ya’ heard! We appreciate your support. 

-Danny, Kevin, Lee, & Eli

Direct download: MOW_343_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 9:34pm CST

In this episode, we present a list of 12 Disney facts that make you say, “that’s weird,” which is based on an article of the same name. We enhance the article by presenting some history behind the items on the list. Be sure to check out references in the show notes on the website.

Which one of these do you find to be weird? What did you think about our discussion? Let us know at Your opinions are always welcome in our show. Seriously, every opinion is welcome. 

Direct download: MOW_342_MASTER.mp3
Category:Disney -- posted at: 9:01pm CST