Magic Our Way - Artistic Buffs Talkin' Disney Stuff

We present a new series of shows in which we discuss Walt’s relationship with the City of New Orleans, our hometown. For this episode, we discuss Walt’s visits to New Orleans and Disneyland’s New Orleans Square. We explore the history of and details that went in to recreating the best aspect of our beloved Crescent City. This is the first of a three-part series.

What did you think about our discussion? Let us know at Your opinions are always welcome on our show. Seriously, every opinion is welcome. 

Direct download: MOW_319_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 10:13pm CST

We present a new exercise called This or That in which we are presented with two Disney things that we have to choose between. As a twist, we reached out to the MOWicans to create a This or That scenario to choose from and they were definitely interesting. Also, we discuss Iger back in charge.

What did you think about our choices? Let us know at Your opinions are always welcome on our show. Seriously, every opinion is welcome. 

Direct download: MOW_318_MASTER.mp3
Category:Movie -- posted at: 11:03pm CST

We present 10 MORE Minutes with a MOWican! We had so many MOWicans respond to our call, we had to do two shows for this. Here are more members of the MOWican tribe spending 10 minutes with the Magic Our Way podcast hosts and answering a variety of questions tailored to them. Be sure to check our MOW #316 for our first round of MOWicans. 

What are your thoughts on some of the topics we discussed? Let us know at Your opinions are always welcome on our show. Seriously, every opinion is welcome. Also, let us know if you want to join us for the next one.

Direct download: MOW_317_MASTER.mp3
Category:Disney -- posted at: 12:02am CST

We present 10 Minutes with a MOWican! Last show we presented 6 or 8 Questions with a MOWican in which we conducted an in-person interview with a MOWican who had visited us in New Orleans. We wanted more MOWicans on the show. So, we called on the tribe to see who would like to spend 10 minutes with the Magic Our Way podcast hosts answering a variety of questions tailored to them.

What are your thoughts on some of the topics we discussed? Let us know at Your opinions are always welcome on our show. Seriously, every opinion is welcome. Also, let us know if you want to join us for the next one.

Direct download: MOW_316_MASTER.mp3
Category:Disney -- posted at: 11:13pm CST

On this episode, we present a new segment called 6 or 8 Questions with a MOWican in which we get to conduct an in-person interview with a MOWican who has come to visit us in New Orleans. Our special guest MOWican for this episode is Mr. Potato Ed.  Plus, we discuss the latest news in Disney park closures.

What are your thoughts on what we discussed? Let us know at Your opinions are always welcome on our show. Seriously, every opinion is welcome.

Direct download: MOW_315_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 11:39pm CST