Magic Our Way - Artistic Buffs Talkin' Disney Stuff

On this episode, we welcome back Peter to address a question brought up by Steve Kinsman’s story regarding the stormtroopers, the irate, middle-aged woman, and the poor, unsuspecting custodial castmember.

In addition, Peter tells us stories of his time as a friend of the fur. He addresses antics, rude guests, and much more. You will definitely want to give this a listen. You just might learn something from this episode.

What did you think about our discussion? What did you think about our the stories? Did you agree or disagree with what we said on this show?  Any comments? Share them at Your opinions are always welcome on our show.


Direct download: MOW_185_-_Peter_1_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 5:00am CST

On this episode, we once again flex our creative muscles and do some armchair imagineering on our own with a new segment we call, Classic? Or TRASH IT!

The way this segment works is as follows. We decided on a park to work this case, we chose the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World. Then, we each chose a land to work on so that we did not all work on the same thing. Within each land, we chose an attraction to reimagine.

Once you have heard our proposals, you get to vote on each one of our projects. You can either keep the Classic, or vote to TRASH IT and replace it with our new vision. Watch for a poll to pop up the same day we release this show. We will feature the results of our poll on an upcoming episode.

What did you think about our discussion? What did you think about our ideas? Did you agree or disagree with what we said on this show?  Any comments? Share them at Your opinions are always welcome on our show.

Direct download: MOW_184_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 9:58am CST

We have a full show for you on this episode. We discuss the trend of creating an entire land based on an intellectual property. Also, we have a trip report sent in from the Roberge family that covers Copper Creek and the Minnie Vans. In addition, we answer a couple of emails sent in by you the listener. That’s right! Three! Count ‘em, three segments on this show!

What did you think about our discussion? Did you agree or disagree with what we said on this show?  Any comments? Share them at Your opinions are always welcome on our show.

Direct download: MOW_183_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 5:00am CST

On this episode, we present a discussion about Cars 3, the Pixar movie released in the summer of 2017 movie season. Since Lee was unable to come on the show for MOW #181, we decided to let him have a majority of this episode. To help Lee out, Mr. and Mrs. MOWnonymous, Richard Hercher and Rachelle Crow-Hercher, come on the show to discuss the movie.

As you may have noticed, when Cars 3 came out in theaters, we never did a movie review. We decided to delay our discussion of Cars 3 to give you the opportunity to watch the movie and devlope your own opinions.

Do I need to say spoiler alert? Hopefully, you have seen the movie by now. If not, do it this weekend and then come back to listen to the show before we release the next show.

What did you think about our discussion? Did you agree or disagree with what we said on this show?  Any comments? Share them at Your opinions are always welcome on our show.


Direct download: MOW_182_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 5:00am CST