Magic Our Way - Artistic Buffs Talkin' Disney Stuff

For this special edition of the Magic Our Way podcast, Lee defends Buc-ee’s, that convenience store from Texas that is a land of wonderment.

If you are listening to this show, it is because of two reasons:

  1. You have not seen Coco yet and are avoiding listening to MOW #194 OR
  2. You have finished MOW #194 and are excited to have another offering for you to listen to this week.

This is a segment from MOW #192 that did not make the inital cut, but was so fun that we decided to keep it for future use.

What do you think of Buc-ee’s? Have you ever visited one? Any and all opinions are welcome on the Magic Our Way Podcast. Share them at

Direct download: MOWSE_03_-_MASTER.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:29pm CST

For this episode, we discuss the latest offering to come out of Pixar, Coco. It was released in the United States of America during the 2017 Holiday season on November 21, 2017. The movie uses the Mexican holiday, El Día De Los Muertos as a backdrop for this story.

We discuss such things as where Coco would rank in our list of Pixar movies, would you like to see this replace the Three Caballeros in the Mexico pavilion in Epcot, and much, much more!

In addition to this, we briefly discuss the Frozen short, or LONG as it were, that precedes Coco, Olaf’s Frozen Adventure. Notice that our sentence regarding the Frozen short is, in fact, short. 

What did you think about our discussion? Any comments? We would love to hear your opinions regarding anything we have talked about. Share them at Your opinions are always welcome on our show. Seriously, every opinion is welcome.

Direct download: MOW_194_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Disney Movies: Should or Should Not Be Attractions - MOW #193

For this episode, we discuss the Disney movies that should be an attraction AND the Disney movies that should not be an attraction. Have you ever wondered to yourself the following?

  • Wow, I can’t believe they made that into an attraction! Why is this here?
  • I can’t believe they are thinking about making this into an attraction!
  • I’m surprised that they haven’t made an attraction based on this already! This would be an awesome attraction!

Well, we discuss and seek the answers for these nuggets of wonderment as each of us presents what Disney movies we think should be made into a Disney attraction and those that should not be made into an attraction.

What did you think about our discussion? Any comments? We would love to hear your opinions. Share them at Your opinions are always welcome on our show. Seriously, every opinion is welcome.

Direct download: MOW_193_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Huge Waste of Time Attractions - MOW #192

Jambeaux, everyone!!! Harambe! For this episode, we discuss an article we stumbled across entitled “The Worst Walt Disney World Rides That Are a Huge Waste of Time” written by Kelsey Goeres.

In Guest Services, we recognize the following MOWicans and address their comments/emails: Capt. Stan from the Pirates of the Magic Kingdom podcast, Big Money Grip - Rick Suero, and Officer MOWican - Kirk Landry.

We would love to hear your opinions regarding this list. Share them at Your opinions are always welcome on our show. Seriously, every opinion is welcome.


Direct download: MOW_192_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Jambeaux, everyone!!! Harambe! For this episode, we talk about all of the Pixar additions coming to the domestic Disney parks and we talk about the rumor regarding one of our favorite attractions, Flights of Wonder.

In Guest Services, we recognize the following MOWicans and address their comments/emails: Jack Lacorte, Katy Pease, Jon Stallings, Rachel Roberge, and Rachelle Hercher.

In The Queue, we discuss the Incredicoaster, Woody’s Lunch Box, Flights of Wonder: the end?, and the Tower of Terror holiday overlay for Sunset Seasons Greetings at disney’s Hollywood Studios.

What did you think about our discussion? Any comments? We would love to hear your opinions regarding these changes. Share them at Your opinions are always welcome on our show. Seriously, every opinion is welcome.

Direct download: MOW_191_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 5:00am CST

Moana Costume & Dog-Friendly Resorts - MOW #190

Jambeaux, everyone!!! Harambe! Today’s episode is one in which we tackle some tough subjects: Moana costume and cultural appropriation and Walt Disney World introducing dog-friendly resorts.

In Guest Services, we address a Facebook message sent in by Lisa Bowers which leads us to reveal the results of our Classic? OR TRASH IT! poll from MOW #184. See which attractions reign supreme and which ones were duds.

In The Queue, we honor Robert Guillaume and we discuss the hot topic of the day, Dog-Friendly Resorts in Walt Disney World.

In the Hub, we tackle race and cultural appropriation as we discuss an article that has been circulating regarding Disney’s Moana costume.

What did you think about our discussion? Any comments? We would love to hear your opinions regarding this matter. Share them at Your opinions are always welcome on our show. Seriously, every opinion is welcome.


Direct download: MOW_190_MASTER.mp3
Category:Places and Travel -- posted at: 5:00am CST