Magic Our Way - Artistic Buffs Talkin' Disney Stuff (news)

We discuss the recent events between DeSantis and Disney as of Sunday, April 30, 2023. On this show, we bring in Harry, the Magic Our Way legal consultant, to provide some insight. What thoughts do you have about this battle? Let us know at Your opinions are always welcome in our show. Seriously, every opinion is welcome.


Direct download: MOW_471_MASTER.mp3
Category:news -- posted at: 10:27pm CST

For this show, we present more examples of bad behavior on Disney property. We have Discovery Island Camping Man, Mr. DEA BB Gun, Animal Kingdom One-Punch, Dinoland Headlock, and Twitter Threatener. What are your thoughts? Let us know at Every opinion is welcome.

Direct download: MOW_387_-_Bad_Behavior_in_the_Disney_Parks_MASTER.mp3
Category:news -- posted at: 10:00pm CST